Basic Setting of Text Alignment in Excel
In this tutorial, I will explore the basic setting of text alignment in Excel application. Text alignment in Microsoft Excel is a fundamental and very important feature that impact on the presentation and readability of your document. How you align text within cells can influence the flow of information, the structure of your data, and the overall aesthetics of your worksheet. Whether you’re striving for a polished and professional look or arranging content for clarity and emphasis, Excel provides a diverse array of text alignment options.

Basic Setting of Text Alignment in Excel Application:
To change the text alignment in Microsoft Excel using the Home tab, follow these steps:
- Open Your Excel: Start Microsoft Excel application and open the workbook that contains the cells whose text alignment you want to modify.
- Select the Cells: Select the cell or cells for which you want to change the text alignment. You can select a single cell, a range of cells, or multiple rows and columns.
- Go to the Home Tab: Navigate to the “Home” tab. This tab provides access to various formatting options. In the “Home” tab, you’ll find the “Alignment” group. This group contains buttons and options related to text alignment and orientation.
- Text Alignment Buttons: Within the Alignment group, you’ll see different buttons for changing text alignment as you can see these in the above picture:
- Align Left: Click this button to align left the text within the selected cells.
- Center: Click the center button to align center the text both horizontally and vertically within the selected cells.
- Align Right: Click this button to align right the text within the selected cells.
- Top Align: Choose this button to align the text to the top of the cell.
- Middle Align: Click this button to vertically center-align the text within the cell.
- Bottom Align: Use this button to align the text to the bottom of the cell.
- Text Orientation: If you want to rotate the text within the cells, you can use the “Orientation” button. Clicking this button allows you to specify the angle at which you want to tilt the text.
- Indent Options: Excel also offers indent options, allowing you to increase or decrease the indent of text within cells. You can use the “Increase Indent” and “Decrease Indent” buttons to adjust the text’s position.
- Wrap Text: To enable text wrapping within cells, which automatically adjusts the row height to display all text, use the “Wrap Text” button.
- Merge and Center: If you want to merge selected cells and center-align their contents, you can use the “Merge & Center” dropdown for additional alignment options.
- Save Your Workbook: After making the desired text alignment changes, remember to save your workbook to preserve your formatting.
By following these steps and utilizing the text alignment options in the Home tab, you can easily control the alignment of text within your Excel cells, enhancing the readability and organization of your spreadsheet data.