How to create a Doughnut Chart in Excel?

In this article, you will learn the straightforward process of creating a Doughnut Chart in Excel, an engaging visualization tool that provides a unique perspective on data distribution. A Doughnut Chart is a circular statistical graphic, similar to a Pie Chart, but with a central hole, creating a ring-like appearance. This type of chart is effective for illustrating the proportional relationships among various categories within a dataset, allowing you to emphasize the hierarchy or composition of your data in a visually appealing manner. Excel’s user-friendly features make it easy to make a Doughnut Chart, offering a creative and informative way to present data. Follow our simple guide to create a Doughnut Chart in Excel and elevate your ability to convey insights with style and clarity.

How to create a Doughnut Chart in Excel?

Here are the step-by-step instructions on how to create a Doughnut Chart in Excel:

  1. Open Your Excel Spreadsheet: Launch Microsoft Excel and open the spreadsheet containing the data you want to visualize.
  2. Select Your Data: Highlight the range of cells that contains the data you want to represent in the Doughnut Chart. Ensure your data includes clear headers.
  3. Go to the “Insert” Tab: Navigate to the “Insert” tab in the Excel ribbon at the top of the screen.
  4. Choose “Doughnut Chart” Type: Within the “Charts” or “Chart Types” group, click on the “Doughnut Chart” option. You’ll likely have various subtypes to choose from, such as a basic doughnut chart or a 3D doughnut chart.
  5. Insert the Chart: Click on the specific Doughnut Chart subtype you prefer, and Excel will automatically insert the chart into your worksheet.
  6. Adjust Chart Data and Labels: After inserting the chart, ensure that Excel correctly recognized your data. If necessary, click on the chart, go to “Chart Design” or “Chart Tools,” and modify the selected data range or series labels.
  7. Customize the Chart: Utilize the Chart Tools available in the ribbon to customize the appearance of your Doughnut Chart. This includes changing colors, titles, data labels, and other elements to suit your preferences.
  8. Move or Resize the Chart: Click and drag the Doughnut Chart to reposition it within the worksheet. Adjust its size by clicking and dragging on its corners.
  9. Interact with Doughnut Segments: Click on individual segments of the doughnut to select and modify them individually. Right-click on the chart to access various options, such as formatting data series or adding data labels.
  10. Add Data Labels: Enhance clarity by incorporating data labels to display specific values for each segment of the Doughnut Chart. This can help convey the precise proportions represented by each category.
  11. Save Your Workbook: Save your Excel workbook to preserve the changes made to the Doughnut Chart.
  12. Update the Chart with New Data: If your source data changes, right-click on the chart and choose “Select Data.” Adjust the data range to update the chart accordingly.
  13. Explore Advanced Chart Options: Depending on your needs, explore advanced options such as adjusting the chart’s size, thickness, or using 3D effects.
  14. Add Titles and Legends: Make your chart informative by including a title and legend. Titles convey the main message, while legends explain the categories represented in the Doughnut Chart.
  15. Format the Chart Area: Fine-tune the appearance of the chart area, including the background color and border, to align with your preferences.

By following these steps, you can easily create a Doughnut Chart in Excel, offering a visually engaging way to represent proportions and relationships within your dataset. Excel’s user-friendly charting tools provide flexibility for customization, allowing you to tailor your Doughnut Chart to suit your specific needs and effectively convey insights.

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